Overseas Mediclaim Insurance for Employment and Studies is available for Bangladesh Nationals temporarily residing outside People’s Republic of Bangladesh having been posted by their Bangladesh Employer to work in that country or for the purpose of furthering their education or solely engaged on research projects.

The Policy is divided into two Plans:

Plan-C: for Bangladeshi’s Staying in Worldwide Excluding USA and Canada.

PLAN-D: for Bangladeshi’s Staying in Worldwide Including USA and Canada.

SCOPE  OF COVER: Interested only for use of Insured Person in the event of a sudden and unexpected Sickness or accident arising when the Insured is staying  outside Bangladesh.

COVERED EXPENSES:  The reasonable and customary fees, charges for unavoidable medical services supplies and treatments authorized by a Licensed Physician and approved by the claims Administrator.


  1. Limited to U.S. $ 75,000 any one Insured Person and in all any one Period of Insurance.
  2. Medical Accident and Sickness Expenses as a result of a Covered injury or covered Sickness shall be actually incurred.
  3. Coverage for mental ,nervous and emotional disorders is limited to 30 days continuous in hospital expensed only and will be limited to only 50% of such expenses .
  4. In the event that the Insured Person is to be evacuated in Bangladesh the Insurers will pay Medical Accident and Sickness Expenses in Bangladesh within the overall Limit of U.S.$. 75,000, Expenses for Evacuation of insured Person’s spouse and Children residing with him upto a limit of U.S.$ 5,000 any one family.
  5. In the event of the death of an Insured Person the actual expense incurred for preparation and transportation to Bangladesh of the remains of the Insured Person or Funeral expenses incurred in the country of posting or study up to US$ 8,000 in total will be borne.
  6. In the event when as a result of a covered injury or covered sickness an Insured Person is hospitalized and subsequently be medically evacuated to Bangladesh Insurers will pay as Medical emergency Reunion Expenses up to US$ 5,000 in all.
  7. In the event the Insured person in unable to continue to complete his course of studies due  to covered injury or covered Sickness first occurring in the country of study resulting in:
  1. Death, or (b) Loss of Entire Sight of either both Eyes or (C) permanent total Disablement,and is Medically Evacuated.

 The Insurers will pay a benefit to the Nominated sponsor who has provided financial support to the Insured person at a rate of US$ 750 Capital sum for each month completed during the period of Insurance.

  1. In the event that Insured person in unable to continue to completion his course of Studies due to mental, nervous or  emotional disorder the Benefit payable is limited to 25% of the amount due.


The Insurance of an Insured Person will become effective on the later of :

  1. 12.01 A.M of the effective Date of the Insurance for which premium has been paid.

The date the insured person deports from Bangladesh to travel to the country of posting or study. In the event that there is an unexpected delay to the flight, the 48 hour period will be extended until such time as the flight arrives Bangladesh.